Keyboard shortcut to minimize Remote Desktop (RDP) remote Windows session – Show (return) missing Remote Desktop connection bar

If you happen to have suddenly missing the minimize window (menu) on your remote desktop client (missing rdp connection bar) and you don’t know how to minimize it you have few choises:

1. Press CTRL + ALT + DEL and start Windows Task Manager (taskmgr). This puts out the control out of the remote RDP connection Window and transfers it into your desktop.

2. Use shortcut to minimize Remote Desktop Session

CTRL + ALT + PAUSE (Pause / Break)
The PAUSE Button is next to Scroll Lock.

This makes the RDP conncetion show in a Window instead of full-screen so you can do whatever you like on your Desktop.

3. Launch RDP client mstsc.exe


Go to:

Options -> Display -> Mark (Display the connection bar when I use fullscreen)

Enjoy ! 🙂

How to see What Google knows about you – Google Dashboard and Google Ads Settings

Everyone knows about disclosures of Edward Snowden against hidden surveillance (spy) program PRISM that is taking place all across the Internet, messages, mobile phones and cameras are being logged and profiles of people are being created.

For anyone involved into IT field (Geeks, Hackers, Programmers) it was clear that such a mass spy is being conducted this is why many hackers like Richard Stallman decided to not use mobile phones and non-free software (which is another Troyan horse) for America and world governments.
Every intelligent person has already understood that the reason for this surveillance is the creation of online electronic file of every person on earth.

Most likely Big companies like Microsoft, Google, Facebook, Yahoo all were financed by National Security Agency(NSA) in order to be able to collect as much information as possible for global citizens.
Modern technology was purposely invented and spread as a mean to not only track human behaviors but also to speed-up Globalism and fostering of a global society.

We already know that anyone having an Android smartphone is a holding a personal tracking and reporting device to Google, anyone using Youtube is also reporting on his watching preferences to.
Anyone with Android if logged to Google Play often unknowingly shares and imports his pictures into Google Picasa.

Anyone having a Gmail Mail account shares his personal email correspondence with the Giant. Google books reports on us, Google even keeps tracks of our searches (if we’re logged in to some type of Google Account which until recently become Universal (e.g. One login for all). It is rather scary to know exactly how much google knows about every citizen on planet who uses the internet …

There are already Two Google interfaces which allows to see in a very basic way some of the things Google knows about us.
And even the little to see raises a serious concern about our personal privacy …

If you curious to know What Google Knows about you ?

See Google Ads Settings and Google Dashboard


Numebrs from 1 to 100 in Latin Language – Learn to count in Latin

The Latin Numbers - Learn Latin Numbers video - first steps in latin language the mother of italian spanish and french

Studying a bit of Latin is a must for anyone interested into Roman history or learning some Theological studies. The Roman empire was a major cradle of our civilization and even ’till today the influence on modern science (medicine, biology, genetics) etc. is still evident.

Anyone learning Italian, French, Spanish will quickly find the resemblance between Latin and the above related Latin derivative languages counting. My interest in Latin grow after I’ve visted Rome and Vatican 🙂

Below is a video to teach you some basics in Latin counting

Number Latin numerals Pronunciation
0 nihil
1 I ūnus
2 II duo
3 III trēs
4 IV quattuor
5 V quīnque
6 VI sex
7 VII septem
8 VIII octō
9 IX novem
10 X decem
11 XI ūndecim
12 XII duodēcim
13 XIII trēdecim
14 XIV quattuordecim
15 XV quīndecim
16 XVI sēdecim
17 XVII septendecim
18 XVIII duodēvīgintī
19 XIX ūndēvīgintī
20 XX vīgintī
21 XXI vīgintī ūnus
22 XXII vīgintī duo
23 XXIII vīgintī trēs
24 XXIV vīgintī quattuor
25 XXV vīgintī quīnque
26 XXVI vīgintī sex
27 XXVII vīgintī septem
28 XXVIII duodētrīgintā
vīgintī octō
29 XXIX ūndētrīgintā
vīgintī novem
30 XXX trīgintā
31 XXXI trīgintā ūnus
32 XXXII trīgintā duo
33 XXXIII trīgintā trēs
34 XXXIV trīgintā quattuor
35 XXXV trīgintā quīnque
36 XXXVI trīgintā sex
37 XXXVII trīgintā septem
38 XXXVIII duodēquadrāgintā
trīgintā octō
39 XXXIX ūndēquadrāgintā
trīgintā novem
40 XL quadrāgintā
41 XLI quadrāgintā ūnus
42 XLII quadrāgintā duo
43 XLIII quadrāgintā trēs
44 XLIV quadrāgintā quattuor
45 XLV quadrāgintā quīnque
46 XLVI quadrāgintā sex
47 XLVII quadrāgintā septem
48 XLVIII duodēquīnquāgintā
quadrāgintā octō
49 XLIX ūndēquīnquāgintā
quadrāgintā novem
50 L quīnquāgintā
51 LI quīnquāgintā ūnus
52 LII quīnquāgintā duo
53 LIII quīnquāgintā trēs
54 LIV quīnquāgintā quattuor
55 LV quīnquāgintā quīnque
56 LVI quīnquāgintā sex
57 LVII quīnquāgintā septem
58 LVIII duodēsexāgintā
quīnquāgintā octō
59 LIX ūndēsexāgintā
quīnquāgintā novem
60 LX sexāgintā
61 LXI sexāgintā ūnus
62 LXII sexāgintā duo
63 LXIII sexāgintā trēs
64 LXIV sexāgintā quattuor
65 LXV sexāgintā quīnque
66 LXVI sexāgintā sex
67 LXVII sexāgintā septem
68 LXVIII duodēseptuāgintā
sexāgintā octō
69 LXIX ūndēseptuāgintā
sexāgintā novem
70 LXX septuāgintā
71 LXXI septuāgintā ūnus
72 LXXII septuāgintā duo
73 LXXIII septuāgintā trēs
74 LXXIV septuāgintā quattuor
75 LXXV septuāgintā quīnque
76 LXXVI septuāgintā sex
77 LXXVII septuāgintā septem
78 LXXVIII duodēoctōgintā
septuāgintā octō
79 LXXIX ūndēoctōgintā
septuāgintā novem
80 LXXX octōgintā
81 LXXXI octōgintā ūnus
82 LXXXII octōgintā duo
83 LXXXIII octōgintā trēs
84 LXXXIV octōgintā quattuor
85 LXXXV octōgintā quīnque
86 LXXXVI octōgintā sex
87 LXXXVII octōgintā septem
88 LXXXVIII duodēnōnāgintā
octōgintā octo
89 LXXXIX ūndēnōnāgintā
octōgintā novem
90 XC nōnāgintā
91 XCI nōnāgintā ūnus
92 XCII nōnāgintā duo
93 XCIII nōnāgintā trēs
94 XCIV nōnāgintā quattuor
95 XCV nōnāgintā quīnque
96 XCVI nōnāgintā sex
97 XCVII nōnāgintā septem
98 XCVIII duodēcentum
nōnāgintā octō
99 XCIX ūndēcentum
nōnāgintā novem
100 C centum

St. Euphemia (III century) martyr who prooved Monophysitism is heresy visit Elder Paisios

St. Euphemia is a saint whose miracle has clearly proofed which one is true Christianity when there was a argue between Monophysites and Orthodox Christians on 4th Ecumenical Council

Here is the miracle of saint Eupemia by whose testimony (miracle) shown which is the true Christian (Orthodox) doctrine

“The Miracle of Saint Euphemia the All-Praised: The holy Great Martyr Euphemia (September 16) suffered martyrdom in the city of Chalcedon in the year 304, during the time of the persecution against Christians by the emperor Diocletian (284-305). One and a half centuries later, at a time when the Christian Church had become victorious within the Roman Empire, God deigned that Euphemia the All-Praised should again be a witness and confessor of the purity of the Orthodox teaching.

In the year 451 in the city of Chalcedon, in the very church where the glorified relics of the holy Great Martyr Euphemia rested, the sessions of the Fourth Ecumenical Council (July 16) took place. The Council was convened for determining the precise dogmatic formulae of the Orthodox Church concerning the nature of the God-Man Jesus Christ. This was necessary because of the widespread heresy of the Monophysites [“mono-physis” meaning “one nature”], who opposed the Orthodox teaching of the two natures in Jesus Christ, the Divine and the Human natures (in one Divine Person). The Monophysites falsely affirmed that in Christ was only one nature, the Divine [i.e. that Jesus is God but not man, by nature], causing discord and unrest within the Church. At the Council were present 630 representatives from all the local Christian Churches. On the Orthodox side Anatolius, Patriarch of Constantinople (July 3), Juvenal, Patriarch of Jerusalem (July 2), and representatives of St Leo, Pope of Rome (February 18) participated in the conciliar deliberations. The Monophysites were present in large numbers, headed by Dioscorus, the Patriarch of Alexandria, and the Constantinople archimandrite Eutychius.
After prolonged discussions the two sides could not come to a decisive agreement.
The holy Patriarch Anatolius of Constantinople proposed that the Council submit the decision of the Church dispute to the Holy Spirit, through His undoubted bearer St Euphemia the All-Praised, whose wonderworking relics had been discovered during the Council’s discussions. The Orthodox hierarchs and their opponents wrote down their confessions of faith on separate scrolls and sealed them with their seals. They opened the tomb of the holy Great Martyr Euphemia and placed both scrolls upon her bosom. Then, in the presence of the emperor Marcian (450-457), the participants of the Council sealed the tomb, putting on it the imperial seal and setting a guard to watch over it for three days. During these days both sides imposed upon themselves strict fast and made intense prayer. After three days the patriarch and the emperor in the presence of the Council opened the tomb with its relics: the scroll with the Orthodox confession was held by St Euphemia in her right hand, and the scroll of the heretics lay at her feet. St Euphemia, as though alive, raised her hand and gave the scroll to the patriarch. After this miracle many of the hesitant accepted the Orthodox confession, while those remaining obstinant in the heresy were consigned to the Council’s condemnation and excommunication.

Here is the story of holy Euphemia visiting Elder Paisios

One day Father Paisios was going through a very difficult phase. A problem was created in the Church at that time and many bishops had gone to him to ask for his help. However, it was a very complicated problem and even if he wanted to, he was unable to assist; as he said, no matter from which side you look at the problem, you come face to face with a spiritual impasse. So, he decided to turn his efforts to solve the problem with prayer. During that time, Father Paisios constantly prayed for God to give solution to the Church’s problem; he prayed especially to St. Ephemia:”St. Euphemia, you who miraculously solved the serious problem the Church was facing then, take the Church out of the present impasse!”

One morning, at nine o’ clock, when Father Paisios was reading the service of the third hour, he suddenly heard someone discreetly knocking on his door. The Elder asked from inside:

“Who is it?” Then, he heard a woman’s voice answering:

“It is me, Euphemia, Father.”

“Which Euphemia?” He asked again. There was no answer. There was another knock on the door and he asked again. “Who is it?” The same voice was heard saying:

“It is Euphemia, Father.”

There was a third knock and the Elder felt someone coming inside his cell and walking through the corridor. He went to the door and there he saw St. Euphemia, who had miraculously entered his cell through the locked door and was venerating the icon of the Holy Trinity, which the Elder had placed on the wall of his corridor, on the right hand side of the church’s door. Then the Elder told the Saint: “Say: Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.” St. Euphemia clearly repeated those words and immediately Father Paisios knelt and venerated the Saint. Afterwards, they sat and talked for quite a while; he could not specify for how long, as he had lost all sense of time while being with St. Euphemia. She gave the solution for all three matters he had been praying for and in the end he said to her: “I would like you to tell me how you endured your martyrdom.”

The Saint replied: “Father, if I knew back then how eternal life would be and the heavenly beauty the souls enjoy by being next to God, I honestly would have asked for my martyrdom to last for ever, as it was absolutely nothing compared to the gifts of grace of God!”

Towards the end of June, the doctors informed [Elder Paisios] that he had about 2-3 weeks left. On Monday, July 11, on St. Euphemia’s day, Father Paisios received Holy Communion for the last time, kneeling in front of his bed. During the last 24 hours, he was very serene, and even though he suffered, he did not complain at all. He did not wish to take any more medication. The only medicine he accepted was cortisone, because, according to the doctors, it would not prolong his life span, but it would only give him some strength. On Tuesday, July 12, Elder Paisios humbly and peacefully rendered his soul to God, whom he had deeply loved and served since his early childhood.