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Свети Флавиан I Антиохийски (Свети Флавиан Патриарх Антиохийски) – починал февруари, вероятно затова поставян в някой православни календари на 18 Февруари

Флавиан (на латински: Flavianus I; ок. 320 – февруари 404) е епископ или патриарх на Антиохия от 381 г. до смъртта си.


Роден е около 320 г., най-вероятно в Антиохия. Той наследява голямо богатство, но реши да посвети своите богатства и таланти в служба на църквата.

Заедно с Диодор Тарсийски, (по-късно епископ на Тарс), той подкрепи православната вяра (т.е. православния християнски мироглед) срещу арианския последовател еретик Леонтий, който наследява Евстатий като патриарх на Антиохия.

Двамата приятели събират своите привърженици извън градските стени за богослужения (според Теодорит Кирски именно на тези събрания за първи път е въведена практиката на антифонното пеене в службите на църквата).

Когато Мелетий е назначен за епископ на Антиохия през 361 г., той ръкополага Флавиан за свещеник и след смъртта на Мелетий през 381 г. Флавиан е избран да го наследик.

Разколът между двете партии обаче далеч не бива излекуван.

Епископът на Рим и патриархът на Александрия отказват да признаят Флавиан, а Павлин II (Антиохийски – който ръкополага свети Йероним Блажени), и от крайните евстафианци бива избран за епископ в опозиция на Мелетий, продължава да упражнява власт над част от църквата.
След смъртта на Павлин около 383 г. Евагрий е избран за негов наследник. По късно след смъртта на Евагрий (ок. 393 г.) Флавиан успява да предотврати избора на наследник еретик евстафианец, въпреки че евстафианците все още продължават да провеждат отделни срещи.

Чрез намесата на Йоан Златоуст скоро след издигането му за патриарх на Константинопол през 398 г. и влиянието на император Теодосий I, Флавиан е признат през 399 г. за единствен легитимен епископ на Антиохия.

Независимо от това, Евстатиевата схизма не е окончателно излекувана до 415 г. поради усилията за помирение на Александър (назначен за епископ 412 г.), наследник на Порфирий (също изписван Порфир).
Флавиан бива почитан посмъртно както в западната, така и в източната църква като светец.

Превел Георги Георгиев ( hip0 )

В някой православни стенни а и в по ранни години, църковни календари издадени от БПЦ се на 18 Февруари се поставя Свети Флавиян Патриарх Константиполски (това обаче е всъщност същият Свети Флавиян Архиепископ Константинополски, поставян, да се чества по-рано на 16 Февруари, която е и датата, на която обикновенно се чества в Българската Църква, грешката, най-вероятно, се състой че имат впредвид честване на Свети Флавиян Патриарх Антиохийски.

Кратко житие на Свети Новъмъченик Захарий (Захарий) + Пострадал 1782 г. – паметта се чества се на 20 Януари

Кратко житие на Свети Новомъченик Захарий от остров Пелопонес Гърция пострадал 1782 г.

Свети новомъченик Захарий е от Пелопонес в Гърция. Той се отказва от Христос, за да стане мюсюлманин, след което отива в древната Патра и работи там като кожухар. Той имал книгата „Спасението на грешниците“, която често четял. Книгата го подтикнала към покаяние и той плакал горчиво за голямото зло, което извършил.
Свети Захария срещнал един старец и му разказал за своя грях. След като се помолил и постил двадесет дни, той се върнал при Стареца и изповядал всички грехове, които бил извършил през живота си. Когато поискал благословението на стареца да поиска мъченическа смърт, светецът се опитал да го разубеди. Той предупредил, че може да не бъде убит набързо, а само след много мъчения. Той също така посочил опасността Захарий да предаде Христос за втори път под мъките, които ще изтърпи. Светецът, пламнал от ревност за мъченичество, казал, че е готов да претърпи безброй наказания заради Христа.

Старецът прочел опрощаващите молитви и миропомазал светеца (както се прави, когато отстъпниците от вярата се приемат обратно в Църквата), след което го причастил със светите Тайни. Тогава благословил Захарий да се върне при мюсюлманите и да заяви вярата си в Христос. По пътя си светецът искал прошка от всеки срещнат християнин.
Светият мъченик отишъл в къщата на местния кадия (съдия) и казал, че е бил измамен, когато е приел тяхната религия, но сега се е опомнил и се е върнал при Христос. Свети Захарий бил хвърлен в тъмница, където бил бит по три пъти на ден.
Накрая светецът умрял, като бил прострян на стелаж. Християните поискали тялото му, за да го погребат, но мюсюлманите отказали. Те казали: „Той не е нито един от вас, нито един от нас, защото той отрече и двете
религии. Следователно той е недостоен за погребение.


Тялото му било влачено по улиците и хвърлено в сух кладенец, като падайки паднало на колене в право положение. На следващата нощ християните видяли лъчиста светлина над кладенеца и побързали да се поклонят на светеца. Турците напълнили кладенеца с пръст и отломки, за да предотвратят подобни събирания в бъдеще (според както правили за да заличат завинаги паметта на убития).
С проливането на кръвта си свети новомъченик Захарий измил греха на своето отричане от Христа и получил неувяхващ венец на славата през 1782 година.

По неговите Молити Христе Боже Наш, помилуй и спаси нашите души !

Malwarebytes Anti-Malware: BusinessMessaging.exe System Error can’t find qt5widgets.dll missing / The program can’t start because Qt5Widgets.dll is missing from your computer. Try reinstalling the program to fix this problem.

The following error message is displayed at startup:

BusinessMessaging.exe – System Error

The program can’t start because Qt5Widgets.dll is missing from your computer. Try reinstalling the program to fix this problem.

This can be caused following the uninstallation of Malwarebytes Anti-Malware from a domain joined computer.

To resolve:

Open Registry Editor
Browse to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run
Review and delete the Malwarebytes Anti-Malware key

Open Registry Editor
Browse to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run
Review and delete the Malwarebytes Anti-Malware key

or from an elevated PowerShell prompt:

Remove-ItemProperty -Name ‘Malwarebytes Anti-Malware’ -Path ‘HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run’

Remove-ItemProperty -Name ‘Malwarebytes Anti-Malware’ -Path ‘HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run’

Best place to marry in Bulgaria, Vladimir and Ina’s wedding and Trip to Karlovo – The birth place of brightest Bulgarian Revolutionary Vasil Levsky

This Saturday and Sunday – 16.08.2014 – 17.08.2014, we were invited for my dear friend Vladimir’s wedding in the amazingly beautiful mountain town Karlovo. Karlovo along with Troyan and Sopot was the heart from where Bulgarian Revolutionary activities originated which later led to Liberation of Bulgaria from Turkish Slavery.

We started the trip to Karlovo with the borrowed car from Mitko Honda Civic around 11:15 in one of the most traffic loadded times. We travelled through the Plovdiv’s highway which is a terrible highway (be very cautious if you travel to this highway – as it is mostly dangerous) . Along with the joyful event, we had quite unpleasent event a Car Incident (Car Crash). I was driving through the highway with 110 km an hour in the rightest slow speed strip and out of a parking a TIR truck appeared in order to prevent crashing with it, because the truck was quite close I’ve move to the other leftest strip where there was another car and we crashed so the left side mirror broke and flew away and the car was unstable for a while – by God’s great mercy – Thank you Lord Jesus!!! I was able to hold the car and keep it straight and moved to the emergency car strip. The other car with which we hit was with a Bulgarian married for a Hungarian lady, thanks God the guy was polite and admitted the hit we had was due to the crazy truck (probably Turkish driver – this guys are killers on the road really). In a short the police came and we explained the situation, due to truck which escaped after the accident we couldn’t blame noone, but in order to pay the insurance to the bulgarian-hungarian family, we had to write retributive act and I was the one responsible for the car incident because I didn’t hit the breaks but moved to the other strip (if I had to hit the breaks we would have hit the truck …). Anyways I have written an objection for I’m not really guilty as it was the truck driver who did entered half of my car strip, we moved to the closest gas station to fix the police act.

Thanks God even though the crash, everything was normal, the car was operating the left side-door which was hit still opened and closed as normal and the only, problem was to drive the car without left-side mirror. We drived that way without a left-mirror to Karlovo, though I was severely stressed by the whole situation and I’m thankful for my wife being near to encourage me and try to mitigate stress by keeping calm and clear spirit.

We had to find the Hotel where we were installed “Hotel Shterev“, situated right on the very center of the city. We were lucky to find the hotel in a very quick manner by only stopping twice asking for it and by God’s mercy we find a free parking space near old “probably” abondoned Mosque in the beginning of the center.

We had to walk only 3 minutes and we were in Hotel and were accomodated in few minutes in a very confortable and good looing 1 room apartment with a luxurious bathroom (the bath had even a call phone in case of emergency – if somethings wrong happens in the bathroom), the room was equipped with fire-alarm, an aircondition and a TV and free-internet. We had to take a quick bathroom and call for a taxi because the marriage ceremony was to happen in a small village near Karlovo Sokolica in a complex restaurant-hotel – Jiaev.

The hotel was more than a beautiful, a garden with artificial waterfall, a small artificial river, a beautiful grapeyards, an amazing sideview to the mountains, clear air in a very silent and clear aired place. Sokolica was amazingly small village probably with 637 inhabitants. We later learned Jaev is a famous marriage place and many people choose to marry, there because its cheap and its perfectly organized for marriages up to 120-140 people!!!

Yes this was the biggest marriage ceremony I was in 140 guests, were there! The marriage ceremony was only the standard ceremony that is without a Church marriage, so it was quick and the usual “bla-bla, we wish you live long in happiness and sorrow, keep your love and affection in the hardships etc. etc.“, even though generally the ceremony wording was much better if compared to other state-marriages I was into earlier for example on my cousin’s marriages in Burgas. Well yes it was cool and the Marriage couple was amazingly well dressed and both were young and beatiful as it was meant to be.

Before the ceremony, there was champaign for the guests and some accompanying small foods as it is in the cocktails. After the ceremony all the guests went to take a photo with the Just married couple. Then the marriage begun and all went to tables and started eating some nuts, drinking some wine and salad as it is in the traditional bulgarian marriages nowdays. We had some chat in that time in our table was another 12 people most of which were among the closest people of Vladimir – so I was mostly delighted to see how much Vlado (UTP) honors me, 2 of the people were Vlado’s cousins who live nowdays in London England and it was an interesting time to have some interaction and know a bit about London and the emigrant life of Bulgarians in London. All went as it should Alex was on our table among with the classmate from school years Kamen, another friend from early teenage company years “Chocho”, almost all were families and many were with kids, so we had heard some stories about kids etc. etc.

There were plenty of nice music and most importantly no-chalga (which is like a bulgarian-serbian-turkish ethno music). The music selection was really good, there as a life band playing some nice music. Plenty of national dances – the horo dance, some Bulgarian traditions were there too like the kick of the menche (a small vessel filled with water on top of which is a red and white flower), it is believed that according to how many times the vessel moves after being kicked this could foretell the first kid of the bride (will it be a boy or a girl). Well there was plenty of Alcohol and Alex got quite high as he usually does when, there is plenty of alcohol – No offense Alex I’m telling the truth 🙂

There was the first dance, the cutting of the marriage cake etc. We got back to the Hotel about 3 o’clock went to bed and on the other day we had a walk in Karlovo which is town with amazingly beautiful architecture of houses and buildings. Everything is small but very well preserved and many of the buildings are from the early 19th century.

We were to the Amazingly big Church – The Dormition of the Virgin Mary which has the size of a Cathedral and shows clearly the huge faith the locals had in the past (and probably in present).

The prices were amazingly cheap, a coffee costs about 0.80 stotinki (0.40 euro cents) and a quick breakfast like banice is just 0.50 eu cents.

There are few museums including the national museum, the statue of Vasil Levsky, what makes the town of Karlovo distinctive is it is the birth place of the Apostle of Freedom Vasil Levsky – who was among key players who led Bulgarians to the Liberation of Bulgaria in 1876.

The birth house of Vasil Levsky is also is preserved and a museum, in there is plenty of interesting artefacts from Bulgarian Liberationa and post liberation times, intersting information about liberation, exposition of how the traditional bulgarian home looked in that times and probably most interesting the hair pair of the archideacon Vasil Levsky.

The national museum of Vasil Levsky is one of Bulgaria’s 100 national tourist places to visit.

After the museum we had a walk around the city center, visited the Church with Cathedral size where I bought two nice books about the living of Saint John of Kronstadt
and another book titled “Is there God?“.

Then I drinked a quick coffee and get some quick food and jumped to car and drived back to Sofia. By God’s grace, we safely arrived Sofia even without a left-side mirror – Svetlana was a big help and served the service of a left-mirror 🙂

Winmerge – Merge / Compare files in Windows text editor – Microsoft Windows DIFF tool

Today while gazing at a colleague screen i’ve seen him using a weird program in yellow I haven’t seen before. I asked him about the program and he told me this is WinMerge.

I’m using Windows actively as a Desktop since less than a year so it is quite interesting to learn about Winmergea tool to make file compare and merge files in .

What is WinMerge?

WinMerge is an Open Source differencing and merging tool for Windows. WinMerge can compare both folders and files, presenting differences in a visual text format that is easy to understand and handle. It is highly useful for determining what has changed between project versions, and then merging changes between versions. WinMerge can be used as an external differencing/merging tool or as a standalone application.

WinMerge is precious tool for Window sysadmins and anyone who needs to do file compare or merge in non UNIX environment (configs). WinMerge has also plenty of useful configs to add various non-standard functionality to the program. The authors of

If you have some free time and you want to test WinMerge download it here and give it a try.

There is also a tool Diffmerge -Visually compare and merge files on Windows, OS X, and Linux).
However WinMerge is more feature rich and therefore probably the tool of choise.

Folder Comparison

Though WinMerge is GUI oriented tool it has also possibility to do everything from the command line.

Here is an explanation from the online help for WinMerge command line switch that I use currently:

/ x closes WinMerge if opened files are identical (after information dialog is shown). This parameter is useful When WinMerge is used as compare to external application. It helps to faster process and / or ignore files Which do not have any differences. Note thatthis option does not apply When files become identical When merging / editing them.
/ e Allows WinMerge to be closed with a single Esc keypress. This is useful When Using WinMerge as external to compare application. WinMerge can act like an dialog Which is easy and fast to close.
/ wl INITIALLY opens leftside as read-only. Use this When you do not want to change left-side items in compare.
/ ub tells WinMerge to not add Both paths to MRU. External applications shoulderstand not add paths to Open dialog‘s MRU lists.
/ dl adds a description for leftside shown instead of folder / filename. This Allows showing version number or label for Compared items. Like “Version 1.0″ or “Work Copy”.
/ dr adds a description for rightside shown instead of folder / filename. This Allows showing version number or label for Compared items. Like “Version 1.0″ or “Work Copy”.