I’m in Serbia capital Beograd right now just arrived by Train.
Serbia is currently not in European Union and when in Bulgaria I forgot to enable MTEL Roaming, so suddenly my mobile didn’t even have a mobile network connectivity to any alternative of MTEL and I can’t call noone if there is urgency.
The only way to enable roaming in MTEL is either through sending SMS (by sending special crafted sms to number 1797 – for 3 for free world service. Or by sending sms to number 1783 for standard euro tariff – EUROTARIFF.
However problem is to send this SMS i should have network coverage on my mobile and now I didn’t. As a second variant Roaming can be enabled freely from Mtel website but for that unfurtunately you need account there and as I don’t have account in MTEL website, to create new account I need to confirm it via a special code sent to my mobile (a code which I can’t receive – since there is no network coverage on my mobile).
Finally after chatting with an MTel consultant, I’ve figured out Roaming can be enabled by a phone call outside of Bulgaria to a number: +359888 088 088. I call requested the service and after requiring to confirm myself by telling them my Unified citizen ID (EGN), they told me roaming will be enabled on my mobile in two hours.
Problem solved Cheers ! 🙂