
  • admin posted an update 5 years, 6 months ago

    How to install and use WP-CLI on a Linux VPS | RoseHosting – WP-CLI is a command line interface for managing WordPress installations. WP-CLI provides a set of command line tools for upgrading the WordPress core files, installing/uninstalling themes or plugins, enabling/disabling plugins and much more. Using the WP-CLI you will be able to keep your WordPress site up to date and keep your Linux VPS safe and clean from malicious files. Today we are going to show you how to install and use WP-CLI on your server. You can use this guide if you have CentOS VPS or Ubuntu VPS with PHP 5.3.2 or later installed. Also, this guide applies if you are using WordPress 3.5.2 or later for your site. First thing you need to do is to log in to your VPS via SSH. Then, navigate to your ‘/opt’ directory and download the ‘wp-cli.phar’ file. You can download the file using wget or curl. In this guide, we are using curl. cd /opt curl -O Now, you can check if the file works by running the following

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